Thursday, August 8, 2013

List of Tourist Places in Cirebon West Java

city of Cirebon and Kuningan area and has the potential surrounding natural attractions, culinary, historical, and so forth. Cirebon regency of Indramayu district bounded by the north and in the Northwest Majalengka, Kuningan South direction, and in the eastern city of Cirebon and Brebes (Central Java).

Cirebon is located on the coast line, as one of the main gates of West Java province in the east, which is in District Losari. When the time homecoming season has arrived, this path is the one that a lane choice in Indonesia. In Cirebon also no highways palimanan - Kanci.

The following is a tourist place in Cirebon West Java, Java Island, Indonesia that you can make the choice if you want to travel vacation Cirebon is quite interesting and you can make a tourist destination:


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